*Previously on Blu the Monkey*
Zero has been stopped. Everyone who was kidnapped through mind control has been released. That is not the end of the story though! Find out the end of Blu the Monkey....

One Week Later...
Blu: "Congratulations! We have defeated Zero once and for all. I would like to thank all of you for your help. Welcome to the NEW Alpha Headquarters. We had to remodel since the polar bears attacked. One of the newest editions is the Cheep statue that will be at the center of Headquarters.
Zios: "May we never forget his bravery and smart spirit."
Maple: "LET'S PARTY!"
*music plays and everyone dances*
After that, Jamaa turned back to normal. The phantoms were driven out, and things returned to how they once were.
Mr. and Mrs. Bow went back to the Bow Agency, which provides home for new plushies.
Silver opened up her ice cream shop once again to serve the public.
Professor Plum even went back home, but now her nest serves as a help center where plushies can ask various questions about Jamaa's past.
Some things never change...
Jetstream and Mint now travel time with Kiwi, fighting crime and doing various missions for Alpha Headquarters.
All of the rest of the Minor Alphas went back to work. They serve as the leaders to their animal species. The Minor Alphas also help the Alphas on many missions.

Zios and Mira left Jamaa once again to go back to... wherever they are from.. However, they are always with every plushie, watching over them.
Grubby, Meep, and Hopper headed back to space to do missions for Alpha Headquarters up there. They are a big help fighting intergalactic baddies!
Lemon was promoted from intern to receptionist and assistant to the Alphas. She plans the missions, and does a lot of paperwork.
Spec mysteriously vanished. He went missing after he heard the news that his great-grandfather was defeated. Come to think of it, he was the only plushie in Jamaa not to get kidnapped.. Strange.
Strawberry, Blu's sister, fell in love with Red, Violet's brother. Strawberry, Red, and Trixie now do fun things together like taking hikes and riding skateboards.
Bonnie and Berry decided to take a vacation after the big kidnapping. They deserve it, they were trapped for a long time!

The Alphas needed a replacement for Cheep, and Lola was the perfect fit. Now, she is one with the Alphas.
Oh, and don't worry about Cheep's pet, Apple. Apple now is the Alpha Headquarters pet, where everyone takes care of him.
Skal found a shocking new love interest in Princess Cupcakes [Issue #52]. They are strangely perfect for each other!
Chuck and Maple went back to their own fun adventures together. Traveling the world as Chuck navigates and Maple hops along with him.

Plum finally got enough courage to talk to Peck the Bunny--in other words-- her mother. Now they spend a lot of time together.
Sly is still funny as ever. Violet's grandpa finally made his way back from space, with help from Grubby. Violet is a quiet fox, but she cried tears of joy when she saw her grandpa.
Blu loves his friends even more now that he knows what happened in their pasts.
Blu's family was back together, and hopefully for good this time. Bluberry hopes to be come just like his dad when he gets older.

The Alphas, with the help of Minor Alphas, agents and Mira and Zios, once again defend Jamaa from all evil. Nothing and no one can stand against goodness. Their legacy continues with many more adventures to come.
Scooter: "Thank you so much to all of the faithful readers out there. I appreciate you allowing me to share Blu's eventful life. Now, you can let the adventures live on."
Blu: "That's right! Don't let these stories die. You can keep reading them over and over!"
Scooter: "Feel free to reread the fantastic adventures of Blu the Monkey!"
Blu: "So long, jammers!"