Mr. Blek

"The EVIL One"

Name: Mr. Blek

Age: 42 (deceased)

Animal: Penguin

Pets: None

Family: Spec (Nephew)

Qualities: Evil, Sinister, and Powerful

Hobbies: Teaching and Observing Phantoms, briefly met Greely once, finding new potions, plants, and inventions

Favorite Land: Mt. Shiveer

Favorite Alpha: Greely

Favorite Food: Blue Gill (Fish)

Description: "I am Mr. Blek, and I used to be a teacher at the Sarepia Forest School. I take pride in my teaching and observations of the fascinating phantoms. They are great creatures that have so much power, control, and create darkness of Jamaa's History. Now, my life is devoted to destroy Blu the Monkey!!"



  1. Scooter, just to inform you, I think you may have mistyped Mr. Blek's name as Blu.

  2. Scooter? Why did you make all of the evil ppl's favortile alpha greely? That really hurt my feelings because he is my favorite alpha AND HE IS NOT BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. well greely is very sly and sort of mean thats why

  4. your old mr. blek XDDD
    ~ cutelittletree

  5. I love Greely! He's not mean, just misunderstood. He doesn't like people as much as the other Alphas, but he is still the wolf Shaman and deserves our respect.
