Sunday, March 30, 2014

Issue #16 - Jam Session Jam

After seeing the strange lights and music we went through the woods to the Jam Session Party! Except this time there was no one there.
 Blu: "Hi I am Blu and this is my pet Remy!"

Band: "Hiya we are K. and the Phants. I am so glad you came here. We are trying to play music but there is a strange hissing noise in the leaves."

Blu: "Lets check it out!"
 K. and the Phants: We all care to big and unskilled to climb on that limb to save him! Maybe you can go out there!"

Blu: "Come here little snakey-wakey.. Gotcha! You are coming home with me, so I can keep you as another pet! I will name you....  Hiss!"

Later that night, Hiss and I were playing with the Race car track when.....

Blu: "Hey, where is Remy?!?"

He was no where to be found. I think he ran away, maybe he was a little jealous by my new pet. Where could he be?

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Issue #15 - Responsibility

 Hi everyone! The next day after the shopping trip, I invited Lola over to help me find out about the Zios Figurine. She knows everything about Jamaa's History!

Lola: "Wow, where did you get this it looks ancient! What happens when you click Zios' nose?"

All of the sudden we were transported to a lost beach.....
 Rhino: "Welcome Blu and friend. I am Ruby the Rhino Shaman. You have been chosen to complete missions and save the animals in Jamaa. Zios would have wanted you to do this, he has been watching over you."

Blu: "This is a big honor! How am I supposed to save Jamaa in one day?!?!"

Ruby: "Don't worry this will take most of your lifetime!"
 Ruby: "Your first mission starts now! A baby Eagle has been caught in some phantom goop. He is on the top of this mountain of sharp rocks. Your girlfriend can go with you too."

Blu: "She is NOT my girlfriend, just friends."
*Face turns red*

So Lola and I climbed up the mountain jumping and swinging to vast heights. Then we reached the top.

Eagle: "Help, get me out! I am trapped!"

Lola: "Blu we learned this in Mr. Blek's class! We have to get him out through trapping the goop in a container or by fire."

Blu: "Your right! Just hang there Eagle I will be right back, I will go look for something before the goop spreads further."

Blu: "I found a firework, take this phantom!"

*Swoosh, fling, flash, boom!!!!*

Phantom: "Grumble, Grr, Bloop!"

Eagle: "Thank you so much you saved my life! I will fly you two back down the mountain. Let's leave before this phantom come back!"

Ruby: "Congratulations, you have successfully completed your first Zios Mission! Now go back to Jamaa and I have a big rhino feeling that Zios will be needing you again soon!"

All: "Thanks Ruby!"

Well, we all went our separate ways after an adventure-filled day. When I was saying good-night to my pet, Remy, we noticed something flashing out of the woods. There was loud music playing with instruments and flashing lights. What could that be?

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Issue #14 - Stuck in Luck

Mr. Blek: "I want introduce everyone to my nephew, Spec, to our classroom. He will be joining us, and I expect everyone to get to know him."

Spec: "Ugh, I wish I wasn't here right now!"

Blu: "Sounds just like his uncle.."

Mr. Blek: "That is enough class! Now, today we will be learning about phantom pods. Lets all go outside."

 Well, we all went outside to find a real phantom pod!!
Mr. Blek: "Okay class, I need a volunteer to be a victim of the phantom pod and go inside."

Skal: "I will since everyone else is a baby!!"

After ten minutes, Skal was the baby. He was struggling in the phantom ooze. So Sly eventually got him out. Sly is so... sly ^-^

 "HELP! HELP! I AM STUCK!", somebody screamed from inside the classroom, and this time it wasn't Skal. When we all went inside Spec was caught in Lucky Day balloons, and was floating above us.

Spec: "Help me down! I am afraid of heights!!"

Today turned out to be a great day! My worst enemy, Skal got stuck in a phantom pod, and my other new nemesis was stuck floating in the air. I think it was luck I guess.

Later when I got home, my mom, Bonnie, wanted to shopping. Shopping is the worst, unless you get something cool out of it. So after many clothing shops, we stopped by a new Lucky Day Shop.
Koala: "Hi, and welcome to the Lucky Day Shop!", an orange koala said behind the cash register.

Bonnie: "Hello there, my son just wanted to look around, and I told him that he could buy one thing."

I looked at everything in the store, and no luck!

All of the sudden, I found a weird Zios Action Figure! It was very unusual, almost as if it had special powers.....

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Issue #13 - The Flying Carpet

Well, as you know we were stuck in Mt. Shiveer. Cold. Lost. Frustrated. Helpless. We decided to get help in the Hot Cocoa Hut. We bought hiking gear and started on Mt. Shiveer. Here is the map we followed.....
We went down Mt. Shiveer, to the treetops of Sarepia Forest, and then to Coral Canyons!
 At the top of Coral Canyons we discovered an all new shop! Our guide, Spike, from the Hot Cocoa Hut said, "We should buy a flying carpet! That would be so much easier. We could find your home!!"
So Spike, Chuck, and I flew across Jamaa and found my home!
Remy was sure glad to see me.
 My mom was worried sick. "Blu!! You're home! Where were you! Never do that again!!"
"Bye Chuck! Bye Spike! I hope to see you two again sometime!"
 After saying our good-byes, I told my mom the whole story as we walked inside our house. When I opened the front door, Mr. Blek was sitting inside!!!!!
"What in Jamaa are you doing here, Mr. Blek!!!!"
"Blu that is rude! He had some exciting news to inform you about." Bonnie exclaimed.
"Yes, I wanted you to know that my nephew will be joining our class starting tomorrow."
Muhahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! (He didn't actually say that, but I bet he was thinking it.)
Suddenly, I didn't have the need to go to school...

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Issue #12 - Blu in Sarepia Forest

 My mom answered the phone, so I decided to go investigate Sarepia Forest. It was very dark, the phantoms were creepy in the dense tall weeds. The fog rolled like steam weaving in through the trees.
I noticed a hole the tree with big glowing eyes staring at me.

It was a giant tiger!!! I ran as fast as I could!! It just kept catching up, closer and closer and closer! Then I found the slide, of course, it followed.

Soon, we came up to a hollowed out tree and it was stuck. The tiger's mouth was watering with monster teeth pointing towards me. Thank goodness it was stuck! Then I realized that I was.....  LOST.

By Sarepia Theater, I saw a little red wolf.
"Hi I am Chuck! Are you from around here? I just got back from the movie, Zombie Chickens, and I loved it!"
"Hello there! I am Blu. I need help to get home!"
"I can help you! I am a great navigator!!!"

Turns out he wasn't. We were both lost. Somehow we ventured North to the slopes of Mt. Shiveer! I don't know what to do.

Can you help me? Comment what I should do!?!