Monday, November 18, 2013

Issue- #3 Meet My Friends

 Hello Jammers! I wanted to show you all my friends. The fox's name is Sly and the owl's name is Cheep. We do everything together! In the Spring we Plant trees and great food while playing hide and go seek.....

In the Summer we go swimming under the sun, and play                                                                               ball...

In the Fall, we jump in the leaves, and carve pumpkins....

In the Winter, we sled and drink hot cocoa....

Overall, Sly likes the Fall, Cheep like the Winter, and I like the Summer! What is your favorite season and why?


  1. Summer, for sure!
    And cute comic! :D

  2. I like spring because all the cute, baby animals come out from hibernating!


  3. I like autumn and spring! Also awesome comic!

  4. I like winter because new year's and christmas are my favorite holidays, my least favorite is spring because spiring is like terror to you if you a ton of allergies like me

  5. I have to say my favorite season is winter because 1. It has New Years, Christmas, and my B-Day in it! And 2. I just LOVE to get bundled up! It gets really cold where I live, but it hardly snows, so the thought of hoping for the snow to fall is good too. I really hope it snows this winter.

  6. I like winter because of the awesome snow

  7. diet cherry, you sound like fluttershy, which is a good thing.

  8. I like Autumn because there's no insects and it's usually quite warm :D

  9. I like winter best, only because i live in bakersfield, its winter now and im in pjs with sweaty feet with the fan on... we dont get snow here, and cuz bakersfield is so hot, its usually the time of the year were plants grow, and bears wont hibernate bevause of the weather.

  10. I like Autumn cuz...
    1. It's my birthday season
    2. Halloween
    3. The pretty leaves
    4. Thanksgiving
    5. One step closer to my favorite holiday, Christmas
    6. Pumpkin Pie
    7. Pumpkin Pie
    8. Pumpkin Pie
    9. Pumpkin Pie
    10. Did I say pumpkin pie?
    11. The fact fall is beautiful.

  11. i thought u said that your fave season was autumn

  12. My favorite season is summer because it's warm and squirrels come out.

  13. My favorite season is summer because it's warm and squirrels come out.
