Monday, January 6, 2014

Issue - #8 Break is over!

Thanks for all your ideas for gifts to give my mom, Bonnie! I decided to get here a Smoothie Machine... and she loves it!! We have made such rich and healthy drinks.

The one bad thing after Christmas and New Years is school! It is back to the jailhouse. My teacher is Mr. Blek. Lets just say he isn't the nicest teacher in Jamaa. I have been with him all my school career! Every year he goes up a grade and I happened to be with the same grades he is. Every year we learn about phantoms! He is obsessed like the famous alpha Greely! 

Next week, we are starting phantom fighting. We are actually going to practice on live phantoms! My friends and I are very nervous! And I bet Mr. Blek will make it worse.


  1. It's amazing!!

  2. Maybe Mr. Blek is a friend of Greely?

  3. Rawr! Could I donate a monkey plush or something? O-O you should be his father if you have a monkey :O wowzas I'm a weirdo XD bai --Ambert--

    1. YES! You can donate a monkey plushie! Every plushie would help ^-^


    2. don't mean 2 bother u, but Scooter can u buddy me cuz, here is a list of stuff 2 like about me
      1. I have 2 headdress
      2. I WAS a member (sadly it ended)
      3. I have one rare worn and one non rare worn
      4. I am very cool
      5. I have lots of achevments
      6. I am doing well in school
      7. I have read every last one of the Warriors Books ( The Last Hope is my favorite one)

      PLZ BUDDY ME!!!!!!! :D my username is CMO1st


    3. I can buddy you, i have a famous blog too.

  4. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ wondering.......... u will............ ahkhkh......... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...........

    -From the angel of the moon.........
