Sunday, February 23, 2014

Issue #11 - Goodbye Grubby

My new study partner, Lola, is the best! She is a pink tiger with a very nice personality. Lola is pretty cute too (^-^)
We were studying in my den, until....
"What was that?!?""
"I do not know? It was outside!!"

Now Grubby has been staying with us for almost a month now. He is great to have around, but he doesn't say much. We went outside...
"Bye. Guys. It. Was. Nice. Staying. Here."
"Bye Grubby we will miss you!"
So he left. He was very happy to get to his home on his planet. Before he left he went to the Sol Arcade and loved it! I never have seen an alien bunny so happy! But, how often do you see an alien bunny.
Later that night, I heard something weird outside, and then the phone rang....
Which way should I go?!?
Comment if I should go into the dark Sarepia Forest or should I answer the startling phone call!


  1. The safest thing would probably be to answer the phone call, but since this is Blu the Monkey, I WOULD GO INTO SAREPIA! >:D

  2. Never answer phone calls while a strange thing is happening i would do neither


  3. go to the sarepia forest! i have to know what happens! TAKE A RISK AND MAKE THE STORY AWESOME! ; )

  4. Go 2 seripiathat would be soooo ,ich more interusting

  5. go to sarepia and have your mom answer the phone


  6. Go find out what's in Sarepia and answer later

  7. Yay! My tiger was featured! He should answer the phone, it might be from grubby

  8. ummm grab the phone and then go to the forest :P or something like that. PS im aaoazja2001 buddy me or gift me :P

  9. Hmm... Grab the phone. I'd like to see who it is! I can't wait until the next issue!


  10. First grab the phone and answer it. Then go see what was in Sarepia Forest.


  11. hmm.... Thers two things I would do.
    The first would be to pick up the phone and start talking to the person/thing WHILE walking into the forest...
    Let the phone go to answering machien and listen to it while you are at home drinking some tea and eating a banana! ( Forget about the noise!)
    those things are not on there so I guess I would do neither...
    The phone could be your mom wanting you to rub her feet ( BLAH!) And the noise might be a viscous monkey eating robot that looks like your mom, so then you would go to hug her and then she eats you...

    so neither...
    Wow this is long

  12. Go to Sarepia! That noise is mysterious so FIND OUT WHAT IT IS!

  13. go to the forest because it is the right thing!

  14. Grab the phone and then go to the Sarpiria forest.

  15. Grab the phone, and run into the forest to answer it! XD --Ambert--

  16. Maybe you should answer the phone it could be an emergency. But then again... You need to find out what it was. But then it could be a monster that would eat you and blue the monkey would be over! So you should go prepared bring a pocket knife so if it eats him he can cut his way out ~3berrygirl~
