Saturday, March 18, 2017

Issue #73 - "Zero Clues"

*Previously on Blu the Monkey*
Polar Bears have taken over Alpha Headquarters. The group of friends and minor alphas led by Blu the Monkey must travel to survive. Blu goes underwater with some of the minor alphas to discover Barrett, who runs away. Meanwhile Cornelius and Marco are kidnapped. Before going back to the surface, Blu and Harper.

Tavie: "La la la! Sing a SOOOOONNNNGGG!"

Blu: "Tavie! Tavie! Hi, can you help us?"

Tavie: "Oh hello, Blu and Harper. I am on my way helping an otter. What do you need?"

Blu: "It is a really long story, but there have been kidnappings by a plushie that goes by "O". Have you heard of him?"

Tavie: "I have never heard of an "O" before.. Hmm... O... O... What could it mean?"

Tavie: "Maybe it stands for Octopus.. Do you think an octopus could be behind all of the kidnappings? Or an Owl."

Blu: "Hmm.. I guess we could investigate those two species. Thanks for your help!"

Tavie: *sings* "You're Welcommmmeeee!"

Otter: "Please help me! There is a snake thing trying to eat me!"

Tavie: "Hold on! Tavie is coming to the rescuuuueeeee!"

Harper: "That singing is driving me crazy, lets go back to the surface!"

Lemon: "Where is like Cornelius and that chubby penguin? Were they kidnapped too?!"

*Blu nods*

Lola: "Well, we have got bad news too. While we were sleeping, a group of cheetahs kidnapped LaSalle, Remy, Sophia, Ruby, and Mrs. Bow. What is going on around here? All of the animal species are acting well... like wild animals!"

Blu: "Which way did the cheetahs take them?!"

Chuck: "They went North."

Maple: "You mean South."

Chuck: "Oh, ya. I mean South."

Lola: "Are you going to go after them?!"

Blu: "Yes, they are our best chance of getting everyone back."

Lola: "Blu, I am your friend, and as your friend we need good communication. I am all dirty and smelly, and your son, Bluberry, is starving. Can't we go somewhere and rest?"

Blu: "I have an idea. I will go with Edmund and Amelia to follow the cheetahs. You take everyone and go to the ice cream parlor. We will meet you there in a couple of hours."


Cheetah: "Get out of here you little fox!"

Blu: "Red? Violet's brother? Let him go, Cheetah!"

Cheetah: "Blu, Edmund, and Amelia. Nice to finally meet you. I am Olive the Cheetah Alpha."

Amelia: "Don't listen to anything she has to say, Blu. Don't trust her. Olive is sneaky!"

Olive: "Shush, Amelia! We are just having a nice conversation."

Blu: "Okay, tell us where the rest of the kidnapped are."

Olive: "Kidnapped? I haven't heard of any kidnappings? I was just helping this innocent fox who stumbled into my territory."

Red: "Lets get out of here, Blu. She isn't worth our time."

One Hour Later...

Blu: "Silver! This is your ice cream parlor! You opened one up once we defeated Mr. Blek! How have you been."

Silver: "Great! My ice powers are great. My restaurant is great. Everything great. Listen, Lola mentioned what is going on, and I have something for you to look at. She mentioned that the person committing the kidnapping signed his name "O". This may be a coincidence, but..."

Silver: "Someone left this glove in my parlor with "O" stitched into it."

Blu: "This must belong to the evil person committing all of these crimes! Their name must start with the letter "O".

Silver: "O? That isn't the letter "O", that is a zero. You know the number "0". I thought you knew?"

Blu: "ZERO?! We have been looking for the letter "O" clues all this time! The plot thickens.."


Voice: "Good work, all of you. Now, it is time for you, Goat Alpha to go and get more of Blu's precious friends!"

Goat Alpha: "Right away, Zero."

What will happen next? Comment your thoughts and opinions?
Find out in the next exciting issue of Blu the Monkey!


  1. Wow! Is Blu gonna end soon or keep going? I feel like it's coming to an end...

    1. Blu is not ending, you will find out more about Zero in next week's issue!

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

  2. I have a little stuffed penguin named Zero... Anyway, I'm so glad to see Silver again!!! I remember when I sent her :) The plot thickens!!! I wanna know what happens next!


  3. Uhhhh, Scooter? So, Mr. Blek and Cheep are both dead. But you kept them on the character pages and marked them "deceased". So how come you just removed Berry and Bonnie?

    1. Good question! I removed a lot of the character biography pages to redo them, and haven't edited Berry and Bonnie's page yet. Hopefully, I will get to it soon.

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

