Sunday, April 13, 2014

Issue #18 - One Bad Day

As soon as Lola said that Remy was at school, I knew I was going to have a bad day.

 Mr. Blek: "We have three big surprises today students. The first is that we have a new class pet! Meet Remy!"

 Blu: "REMY! I found you! Remy is my pet hamster, and I lost him at a concert. Come on Remy lets go home."

Spec: "Not so fast. He came to me, and I gave him to my uncle for a class pet. He looks so happy here."

Blu: "That is not fair, I he is my pet!"

Spec: "Well you lost him, so you must not be a good owner."

Blu: "He ran away because he got jealous!"
 Mr. Blek: "Sorry Blu we are going to keep him here for now, this is my class! In other news, we have a new foreign exchange student from Kimbara Outback."

Violet: "Hi everyone! I am Violet and I love space, and drawing."

Sly: "Where have you been all my life, I mean...."
 Mr. Blek: "I am sure you will fit right in Violet, now everyone outside now!! The last surprise is a field trip, today we are helping a Mr. E. Bunny find something in his home. So find a buddy quickly!"

 Ms. E: "Hello kiddies. I have seemed to lose my favorite important egg. It is turquoise with white swirls. Also, DO NOT TOUCH it. Just tell me where it is. Thanks!"

Lola: "Okay, lets go over there and check in that pile of junk, Blu."
Blu: "There it is! Wonder why we shouldn't touch it..."

Lola: "I need to tell you something very important. I don't know how else to say it but... I am moving. I am moving to Brazil where my grandparents live. I leave in one week. I am so sorry I didn't tell you sooner, I was nervous."

Blu: "That is terrible news!! Who will I go on my adventures with, who will I hang out with, who will I have a crush on--"

Lola: "You have a crush on me? ^-^"

Blu: "Uh.. Lets get this egg."

Lola: "Wait Blu DO NOT TOUCH THE EGG!!!"

It was too late.

Comment Call: What happens next?


  1. Real comment was it zapped him to a far of island or he turned into another animal with powers or something please make it an awesome thing! Oh and i sent you a white deer plushie please use it!

  2. Um, Scooter will you use my plushies in the next issue?? ( it's me that tried to make Skep Blu's sister. )

  3. Lol Sly is in love with Violet XD!

  4. I guess Blu is double sad... Once for Remy and next losing a friend... Next... kind of mutational... When Blu touches the egg he turn into KING KONG (soz caps). You know what things can happen if blu's mutated and skal spec or mister blek is around... and sly likes violet...

  5. It explodes o3o

  6. Can you have my deer come in the comic seris yet? im starting to miss maple.. (that HAS to be her name in the seris.)

  7. P.S. my deer plush is named silver please put her with maple or something!

    1. What color is Silver? Sorry for forgetting, I have so many :)


    2. its pretty obvious she's silver. (White)

    3. Okay, duh XD Thanks!!


    4. 0MG sliver can be maples bff!!! ^I can plan this becuase im his buddy and i sent maple.^

  8. Lola's moving to brazil? After all the adventures they've been on together! And blu had a crush on her? Why couldn't you tell us this in advance so we could savor the last precious moments?

  9. It brings him to some spooky adventure-like place from the past where he has to complete a short quest to get back to the present, and in the present he finds something crazy happened... Lol just random idea ^-^

  10. It turns him into an Easter bunny until Easter is over, so now he has to hide eggs!


    omg i live on brazil *O* I WILL MET LOLA ( ok not real D: )


  12. remny teleports to easter island with blu and lola

  13. Tithe egg is a portal to Easter land!!!!

    1. So many good ideas about Easter and Easter island :3

  14. While their gone sly and violet have there own adventure and they meet up
    with blu and Lola

  15. Blu gets to have 3 magic wishes when he touches the egg.
    He doesn't know what to choose!


  16. blu turned into a phantom and destroy everything
