Saturday, February 18, 2017

Issue #69 - "Mission with Mint"

*Previously on Blu the Monkey*
Strawberry, Grape, Hiss, and Trixie are kindapped by a Pink Hyena at the Friendship Festival. Remy, Lola, Bluberry, with the help of Pearl, retrace Blu's steps to find him and tell him the news. Finally, they reach the Alpha Headquarters and await his return.

Lola: "Ruby the Rhino Alpha? Is that you? I haven't seen you in ages!"

Ruby: *breathes heavily* "Yes, it is me, Blu and I were just on a mission at the Dance Party."

Lola: "Where is Blu? We need to desperately talk to him! His sister and pets have been kidnapped!"

Ruby: "Not again! Another kidnapping! This is not good. Blu went on a walk. He has been under a lot of stress lately with all of these kidnappings."

Lola: "Hopefully he gets back soon."

Blu: "I can't believe what is going on. Why are all these kidnappings happening? Who is behind all of this? Jamaa isn't the place it used to be. I miss my friends, Plum, and my parents. I feel so alone."

Kangaroo: "You're not alone. That snake behind you is about ready to eat you."

Blu: "Huh?!" *jumps out of the way* "Hey, Mint? Is that you?!?!"

Mint: ?You are absolutely correct, Blu ol' pal!" 

Blu: ?Mint! You have to help me. Everyone I know has been kidnapped, and for some reason I think Hyenas are behind it! Do you know where the Biff the Hyena Alpha lives?"

Mint: "I don't have a clue, and I am a great detective!"

Falcon: "Hyena Alpha you say? I have a friend who is a hyena, and he told me where he lives."

Blu: "Wow, can nobody have a private conversation around here?! First the snake and now a falcon."

Mint: "Shh.. He knows where to go!"

Falcon: "Your kangaroo friend is right. Go straight up that cliff and at the top you will find the Hyena Badlands. The Biff the Hyena Alpha lives there."

Mint: "Sounds dangerous."

Blu: "Sounds like an adventure!"


Biff: "Did you get the kid and pets?" 

Hyena: "Yes, it has been done."

Biff: "Good, the boss will love to hear that. Now go, quickly, I hear someone climbing up the cliff!"

Blu: *gasps for air* "Woah, that was a steep cliff. The view of Jamaa looks great from up here. It looks so peaceful."

Mint: "Yes, but we must keep going."

Blu: "I wish my friends were here to see this."

Mint: "Well, you have one friend right here. Now lets go find Biff!"

Biff: "You two look like you have come a long way to get here. What do you need?"

Blu: "Hello, Biff the Hyena Alpha. I am Blu the Monkey Alpha. Maybe you have heard of me? I replaced Graham the Monkey. Recently, there have been a lot of kidnappings, and we believe that hyenas could be behind it. Have you seen or heard anything?"

Biff: "Not a thing. If I do, I will let you know. Good luck."


Blu: "I really thought that Biff the Hyena would know what was going on. I just had a feeling."

Mint: "Don't give up hope, pal. Things will start to look your way. I guarantee it."

Blu: "Thanks, Mint. Do you need a place to stay? There is plenty of room at the Alpha Headquarters."

Mint: "No thanks. However, if you ever need my help again, I will definitely work with you. You know who to call."

Blu: "Thanks, Mint."

Biff: "One of my Hyenas have captured more of Blu's family."

Voice: "Good work. It is time to release the owl."

Biff: "But, boss. Why would we--"

Voice: "Release. The. Owl."

What will happen next?
Find out in the next adventure issue of Blu the Monkey!
Comment your thoughts on today's post of the Animal Jam Sky Blog, or below.


  1. Oh such a cliff hanger!!! I feel so bad for Blu, I mean, his friends and family is kidnapped! At least mint is back!

    1. Hmm, perhaps the owl is some kind of crazy weapon like Ms. Merigold. And the setting of Jamaa was so good! I loved that picture :3

    2. I really wonder who the boss is... I mean all we know is he's mean, dangerous, and signature is O.

  2. Hey, Blu? Just wondering, what's going to happen to Strawberry? I mean, she's only 12, and with Berry and Bonnie gone, where will she stay? It's not like she can get her own house. I sure hope you have a guest room.

    You and Plum are so cute together :3
