Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Issue #35 - "Hive Hopper"

Mrs. Merigold: "Welcome students to the Adventure Base Camp! This is where the Alphas established adventures for jammers to go on. So explore, don't go on an adventure, visit the Phantom Gift Shop."

Blu: "Oh my, I can't hold my excitement! This is like a dream, someone pinch me.... OUCH! It was just a figure of speech!"

Sly: "Sorry, now lets go explore!"
Red: "Does anyone else think it is weird how Mrs. Merigold let us free in this dangerous place? I mean where did she even go?"

Skal: "Who knows! All I know is that, I am not a fan of her!"

Violet: "You are not a fan of anyone.."

Hopper: "Lets go on an adventure!! I know she said not to, but it would be so much fun. Please, who is with me?"

Blu: "I am! Lets go on this one!"

Cheep: "Do you guys know the consequences? I am staying back with Skal and Red."

Plum: "Okay, have fun 'staying back'."

Maple: "Wee!!! When you get close to the portal is stretches you! Look at us! This is so much fun!!"

Blu: "Come on, lets go on an adventure!"

Violet: "Ya, it is fun, but also dangerous in here. I think we should go back."

Sly: "I think we will be fine, but where did we come in?"

Plum: "I have no idea, but I guess we will just start walking this way."

Hopper: "You guys find a way out of here, but I am going to bounce and explore!"

Maple: "This place is great! These mushrooms are very bouncy!"

Violet: "We need to not split up! As long as we stay in a group, we will find a way out!"

Blu: "Ya, now I suggest we go past the fire pits to the common area."

Plum: "Boy, I haven't been on an adventure like this before. It is so exciting, and I love it!

Snake: "You kiddies should slither away from Slither! I have to say one thing, you kids are pretty tasty!"

Blu: "You ate Hopper?!?!?!?!?!"

Slither: "Maybe I did, and maybe I didn't! However, he was very hard to catch, but it was worth the taste. Maybe you are next!"

Plum: "RUN! Everyone, run!

Sly: "Well, I think we lost that slimy creep. So sad for Hopper, though."

Plum: "Look at that shiny shard! It is a birthstone, Mrs. Merigold would like that."

Violet: "Ya, let's give it too her. Maybe she will make us her favorites."

Blu: "Look, a door out of here! Let's go back to the Adventure Base Camp!"

Cheep: "Where have you guys been? I thought that was a short adventure."

Mrs. Merigold: "WHAT IS THAT! You got me a birthstone for my collection!! Oh my, lets go back to class."

Plum: "Wow, she didn't even realize that Hopper is gone.."


  1. Replies
    1. So is Hopper lost or dead XD
      And for some reason maybe Mrs.Merigold is doing something with the birthstone thing and the portal..................

    2. Oh no! Hopper got eaten! Or maybe the snake spit him out like Blu and the robot shark.

    3. *Throws Blu, Pepsi, Anna, and Cupcake plushies in the air* You choose XD Woo, this is awesome! And Red grew up a lot O.O I believe that the portal that Mrs. Merigold is trying to open is the one that can get Mr. Blek out of the Phantom Vortex.. Somehow she could have known Mr. Blek when he was a teacher, and found out about the battle between Blu and him.. Maybe. I agree that the snake might have spit him out like Blu and the robot shark XD Something tells me that the next issue is going to be a big adventure :D Can't wait!

    4. *Takes an Anna plushie* Thanks!

    5. Pepsi: I love being thrown it is fun! Wee!


    6. :catches blu plushie: twinkle i was gonna say what did!

    7. Cupcake: Do I get cupcakes as a reward for being thrown? If so, throw me infinity times!
      Me: No, I get cupcakes as a reward for throwing you >:D

    8. Anna: Thanks for catching me 3berrygirl!
      Me: Don't mention it!

    9. Anna: You forgot to throw Crystal the snow leopard.

    10. *Throws Crystal the snow leopard and wipes paws against each other with satisfactory* XD

    11. *Gives Cupcake a cupcake* :3
      oh p.s. twinklelight2002, I was thinking the same thing about the portal x3

    12. Cupcake: Yay, a cupcake! *Eats it without swallowing*

      x3 Great minds think alike XDDD Jk.

    13. Anna: How do you eat something without swallowing it?
      Jim: Ehem... Anna: Dad! How did you know i was commenting??
      Jim: OFF THE COMPUTER ANNA! Anna: Wait but i didn't finish... The computer shuts....

    14. Cupcake: I don't know how to eat something without swallowing it, but I'm sure that I like doing that!
      Waffle: Cupcake, what are you doing in your room?
      Cupcake: Uhh... nothing. Nothing, dad.
      Waffle: Oh, can you help me with taking water from our well then?
      Cupcake: Uhh...
      Waffle: Turn that computer OFF!
      Cupcake: Aww....

  2. 2nd comment
    And I think Scooter used picmonkey and took a picture of the area. Then he puts them in as graphics


  3. OH reading these is so fun! I don't know about this new teacher... Maybe the portal she finds through the crystals is the one that the zios locked up! OH NOESS!!! Keep it up Scooter, your stories are pawesome!

    1. Oh P.S. Is Hopper gone? Did Slither really have him as a snack? Or is he locked up? AND I CANT WAIT FOR STRAWBERRY TO GROW UP SHE'S SO CUTE! (actually I can but its a figure of speech x3)

  4. oh no. i think Mrs Merigold is selfish, or evil. And... wheres her husband since her name is mrs. shes not suspicious or anything... maybe

  5. Wow... very caring.. Blu must be like `WHAT THE..`. --ambert

  6. How the heck do u get your animals on an adventure and on places it is not possible???

    1. I want to start a blog and I'm just wondering how you do it THANKS!!!

    2. Well if you have a Blogger account, then go to your Blogger Dashboard and click "Create New Blog" (or something like that. I forgot.) then think of a name of the blog and select the type of layout (Simple, Watermark, Ethereal, Travel, etc.) , and then you have your own Blog! Just go to Layout and Template when your signed in on your blog to customize it. Sorry if this wasn't helpful!

    3. I simply made graphics of all the characters and made blank backgrounds of Animal Jam, and then combined them using the Paint program.


  7. Hmm.... Something tells me this new teacher, Mrs. Merigold is doing some suspicious behavior. Her interest in birthstones so much that she doesn't even realize any of her students disappeared- never mind knowing that Blu and some of his friends went through a Portal even though they aren't supposed to. I think that maybe collecting and having all the Birthstones will lead to a secret Portal or something... idk. :)

  8. Slither that snake plushie is very rude and mean and is *cough* also my plushie! I am happy in the comic but he ate a plushie?! Bad plushie! Anyway what is blu's teacher up too? Where did she go when blu went on an adventure? Can't wait for the next issue!

  9. Pinky: Oh. My. MIRA! HE ATE HOPPER!
    Me: U don't even know who he is...
    Pinky: I DON'T CARE!!! *starts shaking snake* GIVE BACK HOPPER U SCALY LITTLE MONSTER AGH!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Me: sighs...

