Thursday, August 21, 2014

Issue #54 - "Beginning of the End"

Mr. Blek: "Welcome everyone. Our main mission is to defeat Blu the Monkey. We will now be known as the League of Villains. We have the Merigold Robots, my nephew Spec, myself, the Phantom King, Dr. Dark, and Fang."

King Phantom: "I am the king of phantoms. My army of phantoms will defeat the Monkey."
Dr. Dark(Wolf): "I am a magician in dark magic, this will help us defeat the monkey."

Fang(Arctic Wolf): "I am an Arctic Wolf. I am fast. I want to eat Blu the Monkey!"

Mr. Blek: "Slow down everyone. We will capture one friend and family member at a time. Now, everyone go and capture one of Blu's friends!"
Plum: "Sorry I am late to the meeting! What is so urgent?"

Amelia: "Thanks for coming. We have a special message for the both of you."

Blu: "It is an invitation to GREELY'S ROOM!"

Sophia: "Yes, now hurry. He has to see you two immediately."

 Later in Greely's Room....

Blu: "Oh my! Hello Greely, Sir. It is such an honor to finally meet you!"

Plum: "Yes, I was so excited to meet a real main Alpha!"

Blu: "Greely? Are you okay? You seem a little lifeless.."
Greely: "Hello children. That robot is not Greely. I am Greely. Those are simple robots that the Alphas use to disguise their identity."

Blu: "Oh, I wondered why Graham the Monkey Alpha was so tiny."

Greely: "Yes, now enough small talk. You and your friends are in grave danger!"
Graham: *On Computer* Greely! It has happened. The League of Villains have been assembled."

Greely: "Thank you, Graham."

Plum: "Who is the League of Villains?"

Greely: "It is a new group of baddies, who are trying to defeat you, Blu. Mr. Blek is back."
Back in Mr. Blek's Mansion....

Mr. Blek: "Nice work, Merigold Robot. We will store the hostages out here. Those are sleeping mushrooms. Blu's friends will be put into a deep sleep out here. Now, it is your turn Dr. Dark! Go get another hostage!"


  1. Oh no! Meep is falling asleep!!! ARRRRRRGGGGJHHHH OTTERS ARE IN THE DIAMOND SHOP!!!!

  2. Oh no meep!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DON'T GO INTO THE LIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG OTTERS!!!!!!!!!!! but their diamond! >:(

    1. Poor Meep! Yeah, I really want to get an OTTER!!! I have to wait 2 more weeks unless I get a lucky spin :(

  3. NOOOOO! This is SO sad! Alphas, come together defeat evil! Keep going Scooter!

    Hurry Guys D:

  5. Cool issue! And Greely is the epic wolf plushie? In my story series that I do with my buddies, Greely is the epic wolf plushie, too XD

  6. Ooh! How interesting.

    I love such evilness in a plot.

  7. Such a fright! I was trembling...and feeling weird...


